*********************************** AM/FM ***********************************   AEROSMITH: "GET A GRIP"   GEFFEN GED24444 1993 Tracks: 15 Playing time: 65:38 AM/FM Rating (0-10): 8  *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************  If you like fun rock music, you should under no circumstances miss this CD. Aerosmith are still their good old self, in fact they keep a steady course, and just keep getting better and better at what they've been doing all the time: Playing party-rock, meant to get you in a good mood - and that's *just* what this music does. You won't find many "advanced" passages, intricate song constructions, unusual chord changes, strange time signatures etc. here - what you *will* find is a whole bunch of kick-ass rock'n roll songs, *every* one of them great, in my opinion. Let's get one thing straight: This is *not* "heavy-rock". Many people mistakingly think of Aerosmith as a heavy-rock band. This is of course NOT true. Heavy-rock uses heavy, sinister and dark chords, heavy and dark, deep sounds, and often negative, pessimistic lyrics. Aerosmith's music is, in many ways, the opposite of this. The music is fun, fast, danceable rock. Their lyrics are humorous and often optimistic - they sing about making love in the backs of cars (and in elevators!), and about playing the new album you've just bought so loud that your parents escape. They sing about having no money, drinking too much, finding a new girlfirld, etc. - all those things that make up the daily lives of young people. And they write it really funny. Here's one extract from the song "Shut up and dance":  - Sex is like a gun - You aim, you shoot, you run!  See what I mean? The music also fits the lyrics perfectly - it's straight-ahead rock'n roll, no fuss, just pure fun guitar-oriented party-music. Singer Steven Tyler doesn't hold back a thing as he literally yells the lyrics - yet, he does *not* just scream them on top of the music, like many of the "heavy" bands do. Let's just say he sings very intensely! Brilliant, methinks! Now, some reviewers have been critisising Aerosmith for "still doing the same old thing". What the hell is that supposed to mean? *Of course* they're still doing the same old thing - and thank God for that! When I go out and buy a new Aerosmith album, it's because I want to hear Aerosmith-music! I don't want *anything* else. When a band has it's style pinned down like this, I think it's great that they don't change it. Aerosmith fans are Aerosmith fans because they like Aerosmith - not because they like something else! What should they do to please these reviewers? Change into something else? Start sounding like Phil Collins? Start sounding like Pearl Jam? Please!!! IT IS *NOT* A NEGATIVE THING WHEN BANDS DON'T CHANGE THEIR STYLE!!! I only *wish* that for example Genesis, Dire Straits, or Marillion, would have HELD ON to the style that they once had, instead of trying to change it - it will *always* end up in something pathetic! PLEASE PLEASE Aerosmith: DON'T CHANGE!! Nothing gets a party going better than an Aerosmith CD.  AM/FM rating (0-10): 8  Bjørn A. Lynne *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************